Chandrayaan-3's launch into Earth's orbit successful, five questions and answers related to the mission

The launch of Chandrayaan-3 has been successfully completed on Friday. Chandrayaan-3 sent to the moon under the Chandra mission will enter the moon's orbit on August 5.

Chandrayaan-3 was launched from the space center of Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at 2.35 pm on Friday.

PM Modi, who went on a tour of France, tweeted congratulating Chandrayaan-3 launch. PM Modi said, "Chandrayaan-3 has started a glorious chapter in India's space journey."

PM Modi said, "It is taking the dreams and ambitions of every individual of India to touch higher heights. This momentous achievement is a testimony to the tireless dedication of our scientists. I salute their enthusiasm and ingenuity."

ISRO chief Somnath said, "Chandrayaan-3 has started its journey to the moon. Best wishes to Chandrayaan-3 that it reaches the moon in the coming days. ALVM3-M4 rocket has put Chandrayaan-3 in the right orbit."

ISRO has told that the activity of Chandrayaan-3 is completely normal and they are waiting to see it on the lunar surface.

Chandrayaan-3 has a lander, a rover and a propulsion module in three. Its gross weight is 3,900 kg.

To perceive the launch of Chandrayaan 3, acircular 200 students from various schools had reached the space center. During this, thousands of people were seen present at the space center.

Chandrayaan-3 will enter the Moon's orbit on August 5.

PM Modi had tweeted before the launch of Chandrayaan-3 - "The date of July 14, 2023 will be written in golden letters in the space sector of India."

In this mission, a rat an terminate of Chandrayaan will come out which will land on the lunar surface and its positioning will be done in the Lunar South Pole. 

Launching successful

Chandrayaan-3 has successfully completed four phases of its launch.

According to ISRO, Chandrayaan-3 has reached the designated orbit of the Earth from wpresent it will move towards the Moon's orbit.

ISRO chief Somnath said, "Chandrayaan-3 has started its journey to the moon. Best wishes to Chandrayaan-3 that it reaches the moon in the coming days.

Somnath said, "The ALVM3-M4 rocket has placed Chandrayaan 3 in the correct orbit."

ISRO has telderly that the activity of Chandrayaan-3 is completely normal and they are waiting to perceive it on the lunar surface.

But after the previous mishap, how likely is it to succeed? What changes have been made in Chandrayaan-3? What are the things taken care of? What is the goal of this mission? Many such basic questions, to know the answers, BBC spoke to Dr. Akash Sinha.

Dr. Akash Sinha has expertise in Space, Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Drones and teaches at Shiv Nadar University.

All the questions and answers given below are based on the conversation with him. 

Question: How likely is it that Chandrayaan 3 will not depart the way of Chandrayaan-2? What changes have been made this time?

Answer: Many missions have been planned and executed in the last 50 years, however Chandrayaan-2 discovered water on the moon for the first time. Even though its lander could not come out, however, this time we are sure that it will definitely happen.

The reason behind this belief is that the technology that was used for the lander last time, has changed a lot now. 

Chandrayaan-3: India's new space mission, know what it will do on the moon

Question: The lander of Chandrayaan-3 will land on the surface of the moon, about which no information is available therefore far. So how difficult is it to land in this part? What and how many problems is capable of arise here? If it lands successfully then how enormous an achievement it will be for India?

Answer: Our scientists have chosen a challenging part of the moon. This part is called the Lunar South Pole. Its special thing is that it is difficult to preserve a direct eye on it from the earth.

Tpresent is numerous possibility of having water and other minerals present.


Question: What is the purpose of Chandrayaan-3?

Answer: In this mission, a rover of Chandrayaan (a small robot) will come out which will land on the lunar surface and its positioning will be done in the Lunar South Pole. It is here that the rover will discover what minerals, water etc. can be found in this part of the moon.

The special thing about this discovery will be that if ever in the future we want to set up colonies in the moon, it will help a lot.

Question: What could be the biggest risks of such a mission?

Answer: The first risk is that when you send a vehicle to the moon, it is completely controlled by computers. As a human being, you cannot control it sitting four lakh kilometers away. It works completely with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

The second thing is that there is no GPS on the moon. As we drive a car on the earth, we get many information through GPS. Driverless cars work only with GPS technology but it does not work on the moon. There you will not know where you are, in which part, how far you are? If he has to estimate all these things from the onboard sensors, then two-three new difficulties arise from this. The good thing is that this time all these things have been taken care of.

What is Chandrayaan 3 mission and what are the chances of its success?

Question: The cost of Chandrayaan 2 was less than the budreceive of a Hollytimber film and the cost of Chandrayaan 3 mission is about 30% less than that. How did Indian scientists manage to do this?

Answer: One thing we have always been taught in India is to make the most of our resources, if possible reutilize them.

Like when Chandrayaan 2 was sent, it had three parts – Orbiter, Lander and Rat an terminate. The orbiter was successful and it is still moving in the orbit of the moon. So this time when we are sending Chandrayaan 3, we are not using the orbiter becautilize the orbiter is already tpresent. In such a situation, the entire cost of our orbiter was saved this time.

The best thing about ISRO is that they do most of the work in-houtilize. That is, they develop numerous technology by means of themselves, due to which we are implementing a enormous mission at a low cost. 


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