
Chandrayaan 3 Live: 'Eagerly waiting for the landing of Chandrayaan-3'; Sunita Williams praised ISRO

  Special things Chandrayaan 3 Live Tracking Today, Chandrayaan 3 Update in Hindi: Chandrayaan 3 mission will be landed on the lunar surface on the evening of 23 August. However, before that favorable conditions will be identified for Vikram Lander. According to ISRO, the final decision on landing or not landing the vehicle will be taken exactly 2 hours before the scheduled time for landing. According to ISRO scientist Nilesh M Desai, if Chandrayaan 3 is not landed on August 23, then it can be landed on the moon on August 27 as well. Live update 04:38 PM, 22-AUG-2023   Eagerly waiting for Chandrayaan-3 to land on the moon - Sunita Williams Chandrayaan-3 will land on the moon tomorrow. Indian-American astronaut Sunita Williams has expressed happiness about this. She said that she is waiting for the Pragyan rover to land on the south pole of the moon. At the same time, he also appreciated India's important role in shaping the field of space exploration. Williams said, "Landing o

Chandrayaan-3's launch into Earth's orbit successful, five questions and answers related to the mission

The launch of Chandrayaan-3 has been successfully completed on Friday. Chandrayaan-3 sent to the moon under the Chandra mission will enter the moon's orbit on August 5. Chandrayaan-3 was launched from the space center of Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at 2.35 pm on Friday. PM Modi, who went on a tour of France, tweeted congratulating Chandrayaan-3 launch. PM Modi said, "Chandrayaan-3 has started a glorious chapter in India's space journey." PM Modi said, "It is taking the dreams and ambitions of every individual of India to touch higher heights. This momentous achievement is a testimony to the tireless dedication of our scientists. I salute their enthusiasm and ingenuity." ISRO chief Somnath said, "Chandrayaan-3 has started its journey to the moon. Best wishes to Chandrayaan-3 that it reaches the moon in the coming days. ALVM3-M4 rocket has put Chandrayaan-3 in the right orbit." ISRO has told that the activity of Chandrayaan-3 is completely normal a

Chandrayaan-3 Landing in Evening: Why ISRO is getting Chandrayaan-3 landing in the evening, will it land on the lunar surface in the dark?

Why ISRO is landing its moon mission Chandrayaan-3 on the lunar surface on August 23 between 05:30 pm and 06:30 pm? He could have done this work even in daylight. Does the landing of Chandrayaan-3's lander have anything to do with the sun or not? Will ISRO land on the moon in the dark?  The lander of Chandrayaan-3 is capable of successfully land on the lunar surface at any time between 5.30 pm and 6.30 pm on August 23, 2023. By the way the correct time is 06:04. But it is necessary to preserve some margin. The reason is that the lander is completely automatic. He will find the place of landing himself. Will land again. It will take time for this work. But the question arises that why ISRO is doing landing in the evening. Will it land on the lunar surface in the dark? Actually the reason is that the time of landing on the earth is in the evening. While the time when Vikram Lander will land on the moon. At that time the sun would be rising tpresent.  ISRO Chief Dr. S. Somnath told th

Magic vs. Science: Unraveling the Eternal Battle for Supremacy

  Introduction: Magic and science have long been at odds with each other, representing two fundamentally different approaches to understanding and manipulating the world around us. This article delves into the age-old debate between magic and science, exploring their key differences, similarities, and the ongoing clash for supremacy. Join us on this intriguing journey as we uncover the mystique behind magic and the rationality of science, shedding light on their coexistence and their impact on society. Section 1: Understanding Magic Defining Magic: A brief overview of magic as a mystical and supernatural force that encompasses spells, rituals, and occult practices. Origins and Cultural Significance: Exploring the historical roots of magic and its place in various cultures throughout the world. Magic in Fiction and Folklore: Highlighting the portrayal of magic in literature, myths, and folklore, and its enduring appeal in popular culture. Section 2: The Rationality of Science Defining S

Chandrayaan-3 is very important for India for long jump in space, eye on achievement of soft landing

Chandrayaan-3 : India's third moon mission Chandrayaan-3 is to be launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota. Preparations for the mission are in the final stages. It will be launched on 14 July. Chandrayaan-3 : India is ready to take another giant leap in the space world. We are talking about Chandrayaan-3 mission. To implement this mission, the scientists of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) are working hard day and night. This mission is associated with research activities related to safely landing equipment on the surface of the Moon and thereafter obtaining maximum information about the Moon, the only natural satellite of the Earth. Chandrayaan-3 is India's third mission to the moon. Chandrayaan-3 launch on July 14 If all conditions are favourable, Chandrayaan-3 will be launched on July 14. In this way, ISRO has prepared a window between 13 to 19 July for its launch. According to Dr. S Sita, former director of ISRO's Space Science Program Of

The Ultimate Guide to Smart Coffee Machines

Introduction The world of coffee is constantly evolving, and one of the most exciting recent trends is the rise of smart coffee machines. These machines are connected to the internet, which allows you to control them remotely using a smartphone or voice assistant. There are many benefits to owning a smart coffee machine. First, they are incredibly convenient. You can set them up to brew coffee at a specific time, so you can wake up to the smell of fresh coffee every morning. You can also control them remotely, so you can start brewing a pot of coffee before you even get out of bed. Second, smart coffee machines are very customizable. You can choose the type of coffee you want to make, the strength of the coffee, and the temperature of the water. Some machines even allow you to create custom profiles, so you can save your favorite settings for quick and easy access. Third, smart coffee machines are very easy to use. Most models have a simple touchscreen interface, and they come with a v

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