World Environmental Health Day 2023: Why is the day celebrated, what is its purpose, history and theme

 World Environmental Health Day 2023

World Environmental Health Day SignificanceOn 26th September, World Environmental Health Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the importance of a clean and healthy environment. The day emphasizes the significance of environmental health in sustaining overall well-being and promoting sustainable living practices. This year, the theme focuses on "Environmental Health in a Changing World," highlighting the evolving environmental challenges and the imperative need for collective action to address them.

World Environment Health Day 2023: World Environment Health Day is celebrated every year on 26 September. World Environmental Health Day is celebrated every year to explain how the better health of the environment also has a direct impact on human health. On this day, IFEH, along with its member countries, organizes various programs to create awareness among the people about the importance of the environment and its care. Efforts are made to make them understand that it is the responsibility of all of us to protect the environment for the well-being of present and future generations.

History of World Environmental Health Day

Celebrating this day as 'World Environmental Health Day' was started by the International Federation of Environmental Health on 26 September 2011. The purpose of celebrating this was to make people aware of environmental health, its importance, and the problems related to it.

What is meant by environmental health?

Whatever is around us like air, water, soil, etc., they all affect our physical, mental, and social health. If these are healthy then our health will also be good and if they become contaminated then it will have a direct impact on the lives of all of us. Most of us neither think about it, nor discuss it, nor do we take any responsibility to keep the environment healthy. Poor health in the environment can prove to be very dangerous not only for our lives but also for the coming generations. Therefore, it is the collective responsibility of all of us to make it better. To create awareness on this subject, World Environmental Health Day was started every year on 26 September.

The theme of World Environmental Health Day

The theme of World Environmental Health Day in 2022 was "Strengthening Environmental Health Systems for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals". The theme for the year 2023 is "Global Environmental Public Health: Standing up to protect everyone's health every day."


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