National Chai Day 2023 Wishes

National Chai Day 2023 Wishes

National Chai Day (National Chai Day 2022) is celebrated on 21st September and is a day to appreciate the healthy and beneficial beverage globally. Chai, also known as masala chai, is a sweet Indian tea beverage with a slight spiciness, traditionally flavored with aromatic spices such as cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon and black pepper....

National Chai Day 2022 Wishes: National Chai Day 2022 is celebrated on 21st September and is a day to appreciate the healthy and beneficial beverage globally. Chai, also known as masala chai, is a sweet Indian tea beverage with a slight spiciness, traditionally flavored with aromatic spices such as cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon and black pepper. National Tea Day officially started in 2018 and is said to be founded by Somers, the world's first Indian brewer. There are many ways to enjoy tea, including having it iced, hot or as part of a savory dish.

In many Asian countries, the word 'chai' means tea, but actual tea was not tea to begin with. Masala chai, which translates to 'mixed-spiced tea', is what we know as tea. It is a remarkable drink that has now gained popularity across the world and is served in homes and coffee shops in various forms. The drink is said to have been created 5,000 years ago, specifically for medicinal purposes and as a special tea for royalty. Its initial version was just a mixture of spices but without tea leaves. Over the years it has been loved by people around the world and taken in various forms, including the addition of leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant, as well as milk and sweetener by the British over India during the colonial era. On Tea Day, we have brought for you some greetings which you can send to tea lovers to wish them well.

1. "I have only one option

the best thing in the world

There is tea!"

2. "Morning tea and opinion of elders

Should be taken from time to time!"

3. "We are in that city of love

I live sir

where there is no sun in the morning

Starts with tea."

4. "We never touch alcohol,

And we never leave tea!"

5. "That which changes with time

that's an opinion

when nothing happens in life

Then there is just tea."

Today, tea is well known for the many benefits it provides to the body, a direct effect of its components, these components and their health benefits include black pepper and ginger, which aid digestion, cloves which relieve stomach pain. Cardamom helps to lift mood, and cinnamon promotes lung and heart health.


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