Why is World Animal Day celebrated every year, know the history and theme of this day

 2023 World Animal Welfare Day World Animal Day is celebrated every year on 4 October across the world. The main objective of celebrating this day is to promote the welfare and protection of animals. Many people behave very badly towards the voiceless, hence it is very important to tell people that our life depends on animals and birds to a great extent.

New Delhi, Lifestyle Desk. World Animal Welfare Day 2023

World Animal Day is celebrated every year on 4 October across the world. On this day, various issues regarding the welfare of animals and their rights are discussed so that awareness for the welfare of animals increases among people. On this day, programs are organized at many places, in which ideas are raised about saving and conserving various species of animals from extinction. Let us know the importance, history and theme of this day.

Purpose of celebrating World Animal Day

  • Human cruelty towards animals has to be stopped.
  • To promote the protection and treatment of animals.
  • To provide respect and rights to animals.
  • To conserve natural forests for animals.
  • The condition of animals has to be further improved.
  • Respecting the feelings of animals.

History of World Animal Day

World Animal Welfare Day is celebrated on the birthday of St. Francis of Assisi. This day is celebrated in his memory. St. Francis was an animal lover and a great patron of animals. World Animal Day was first celebrated on March 24, 1925, on the initiative of cynologist Heinrich Zimmermann in Berlin, Germany, with the aim of spreading awareness about animal welfare. More than 5,000 people attended the occasion. After this, in 1929, October 4 was chosen to celebrate World Animal Welfare Day.

Importance of World Animal Day

Animal lovers everywhere across the world are celebrating this day with great enthusiasm. This day is celebrated to raise awareness about animal-related issues. The main objective of celebrating this day is to promote the welfare of animals and their rights. Every person should behave compassionately and respectfully towards animals.

The Theme of world animal day

Every year a theme is set to celebrate World Animal Day. The theme that has been set for this year i.e. 2023 is, 'Great or Small, Love Them All'.


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